Basic HealSparse Interface

Getting Started

To conserve memory, HealSparse uses a dual-map approach, where a low-resolution full-sky “coverage map” is combined with a high resolution map containing the pixel data where it is available. The resolution of the coverage map is controlled by the nside_coverage parameter, and the resolution of the high-resolution map is controlled by the nside_sparse parameter. Behind the scenes, HealSparse uses clever indexing to allow the user to treat these as contiguous maps with minimal overhead. All HealSparse maps use HEALPix nest indexing behind the scenes, should be treated as nest-indexed maps.

There are 3 basic ways to make a HealSparseMap. First, one can read in an existing HEALPix map; second, one can read in an existing HealSparseMap; and third, one can create a new map.

import numpy as np
import healsparse

# To read a HEALPix map, the nside_coverage must be specified
map1 ='healpix_map.fits', nside_coverage=32)

# To read a healsparse map, no additional keywords are necessary
map2 ='healsparse_map.hs')

# To read part of a healsparse map, you can specify the coverage pixels to read
map2_partial ='healsparse_map.hs', pixels=[100, 101])

# To create a new map, the resolutions and datatype must be specified
nside_coverage = 32
nside_sparse = 4096
map3 = healsparse.HealSparseMap.make_empty(nside_coverage, nside_sparse, np.float64)

To set values in the map, you can use simple indexing or the explicit API:

map3[0: 1000] = np.arange(1000, dtype=np.float64)
map3.update_values_pix(np.arange(1000, 2000), np.arange(1000, dtype=np.float64), nest=True)

To retrieve values from the map, you can use simple indexing or the explicit API via pixels or positions:

print(map3[0: 1000])
>>> [0. ... 999.]
print(map3.get_values_pix(np.arange(1000, 2000), nest=True))
>>> [0. ... 999.]
print(map3.get_values_pos(45.0, 0.1, lonlat=True))
>>> 51.0

A HealSparseMap has the concept of “valid pixels”, the pixels over which the map is defined (as opposed to healpy.UNSEEN in the case of floating point maps). You can retrieve the array of valid pixels or the associated positions of the valid pixels easily:

>>> [   0    1    2 ... 1997 1998 1999]

ra, dec = map3.valid_pixels_pos(lonlat=True)
>>> [45.        ... 45.3515625 ]
>>> [0.00932548 ... 0.81134431]

You can convert a HealSparseMap to a healpy map (numpy array) either by using a full slice ([:]) or with the generate_healpix_map() method. Do watch out, at high resolution this can blow away your memory! In these cases, generate_healpix_map() can degrade the map before conversion, using a reduction function (over valid pixels) of your choosing, including mean, median, std, max, or min.

hpmap4096 = map3[:]
hpmap128 = map3.generate_healpix_map(nside=128, reduction='mean')

Integer Maps

In addition to floating-point maps, which are natively supported by healpy, HealSparseMap supports integer maps. The “sentinel” value of these maps (equivalent to healpy.UNSEEN) is either -MAXINT or 0, depending on the desired use of the map (e.g., integer values or positive bitmasks). Note that these maps cannot be trivially converted to healpy maps because HEALPix has no concept of sentinel values that are not healpy.UNSEEN, which is a very large negative floating-point value.

import numpy as np
import healsparse

map_int = healsparse.HealSparseMap.make_empty(32, 4096, np.int32)
>>> HealSparseMap: nside_coverage = 32, nside_sparse = 4096, int32

map_int[0: 1000] = np.arange(1000, dtype=np.int32)

>>> 500

Recarray Maps

HealSparseMap also supports maps made up of numpy record arrays. These recarray maps will have one field that is the “primary” field which is used to test if a pixel has a valid value or not. Therefore, these recarray maps should be used to describe associated values that share the exact same valid footprint. Each field in the recarray can be treated as its own HealSparseMap. For example,

import numpy as np
import healsparse

dtype = [('a', np.float32), ('b', np.int32)]

map_rec = healsparse.HealSparseMap.make_empty(32, 4096, dtype, primary='a')

map_rec[0: 10000] = np.zeros(10000, dtype=dtype)
>>> [   0    1    2 ... 9997 9998 9999]

map_rec['a'][0: 5000] = np.arange(5000, dtype=np.float32)
map_rec['b'][5000: 10000] = np.arange(5000, dtype=np.int32)

>>> [(0.,    0) (1.,    0) (2.,    0) ... (0., 4997) (0., 4998) (0., 4999)]

Note that the call map_rec['a'][0: 5000] = values will work, but map_rec[0: 5000]['a'] = values will not. Also note that using the fields of the recarray cannot be used to set new pixels, this construction can only be used to change pixel values.

Wide Masks

HealSparse has support for “wide” bit masks with an arbitrary number of bits that are referred to by bit position rather than value. This is useful, for example, when constructing a coadd coverage map where every pixel can uniquely identify the set of input exposures that contributed at the location of that pixel. In the case of >64 input exposures you can no longer use a simple 64-bit integer bit mask. Wide mask bits are always specified by giving a list of integer positions rather than values (e.g., use 10 to set the 10th bit instead of 1024 = 2**10).

import numpy as np
import healsparse

map_wide = healsparse.HealSparseMap.make_empty(32, 4096, healsparse.WIDE_MASK, wide_mask_maxbits=128)

pixels = np.arange(10000)
map_wide.set_bits_pix(pixels, [4, 100])

print(map_wide.check_bits_pix(pixels, [2]))
>>> [False False False ... False False False]
print(map_wide.check_bits_pix(pixels, [4]))
>>> [ True  True  True ...  True  True  True]
print(map_wide.check_bits_pix(pixels, [100]))
>>> [ True  True  True ...  True  True  True]
print(map_wide.check_bits_pix(pixels, [101]))
>>> [False False False ... False False False]

# Check if any of the bits are set
print(map_wide.check_bits_pos([45.2], [0.2], [100, 101], lonlat=True))
>>> [ True]

Writing Maps

Writing a HealSparseMap is easy:

map3.write('output_file.hs', clobber=False)


You can also set key/value metadata to a map that will be stored in the fits header of the file and read back in. The keys must confirm to FITS header key standards (strings, upper case). The metadata will be stored as a Python dictionary, and can be accessed with the metadata property.

metadata = {'KEY1': 5, 'KEY2': 10.0}
map3.metadata = metadata
>>> 10.0

Coverage Masks

A HealSparseMap contains a coverage map that defines the coarse coverage over the sky. You can retrieve a boolean array describing which pixels are covered in the map with the coverage_mask property:

import healpy as hp
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

cov_mask = map3.coverage_mask
cov_pixels, = np.where(cov_mask)
ra, dec = hp.pix2ang(map3.nside_coverage, cov_pixels, lonlat=True, nest=True)
plt.plot(ra, dec, 'r.')

It is also possible to read the coverage map of a HealSparseMap on its own:

cov_map ='output_file.hs')
cov_mask = cov_map.coverage_mask